Application of Linear Programming Problem To Maximize the Profit Of Baker’s Paradise, a native Bakery

  • Unique Paper ID: 161813
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 282-290
  • Abstract:
  • Linear programming has a central part established in operation research study for managers, providing a strong analytical data tool to enhance the decision-making procedure, and the management of logistics. LP is especially useful for allocation of resources, planning of the manufacturing process and logistics management. In the field of OR, LP helps managers to derive mathematical models which indicate the intricate business problems using linear links. By expressing the decision variables, setting the constraints on the basis of the availability of resources and deriving the objective function which is in line with the objectives and aims of the firm, managers can utilize LP to discover the best and the cost-reducing solutions. The systematic technique given by LP enables managers to have a quantitative foundation for making decisions, aiding them to assign resources productively, streamline the procedures and boost the complete efficacy. This arithmetic model has proven to be crucial for managers looking for making data driven choices. LP unearths practical and numerical data-based application in the bakery sector by helping the owner to optimize the numerous functioning facets. In a bakery, LP may be used to increase the profits with the help of effective manufacturing plans. The decision variables will indicate the various products to be manufactured, with the constraint being the availability of resources, labor hour, oven time, demand etc. the objective function will generally be the maximization of the gains earned by the firm or may be for reducing the costs of the bakery. LP s a very effective model which when utilized by bakeries, will allow them to know the right quantity of resources they should use, and the correct number of units of food items they ought to produce to derive the best results and the highest profitability.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 282-290

Application of Linear Programming Problem To Maximize the Profit Of Baker’s Paradise, a native Bakery

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