Automated Timetable Generator Andriod Application

  • Unique Paper ID: 161844
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 341-344
  • Abstract:
  • Generating timetable for university with many branches, different years, and multiple batches is a tiresome job. It takes a lot of time and is required for every semester that is of six months. Thus, a lot of time and manpower is taken up by this process. In some cases, the manual process of creating timetables is too cumbersome. Creating temporary timetables when a faculty is on leave is impractical. In this paper, we have created an algorithm to generate timetables which can save a lot of time and pressure on the person doing this job manually. A software-based approach is better, as a computer can process data and churn out results at a much higher rate with greater accuracy. Also, it can be coded and optimized as per requirements set by different universities and the base code will remain the same. Currently, in most of the institutes, this time-consuming most complex problem is tackled manually by a single person or a group of related people with the only goal of producing feasible timetables. This may lead to unnecessary wastage of faculties and concerned members precious time due to lack of optimization in the generation of timetable. One cannot deny the human errors which will introduce conflicts such as overlapping of resources, double booking of time-slots, etc. To generate conflict-free and optimized timetable, adequate constraints need to be considered. These constraints are often classified as either hard or soft in nature. Fulfilling just hard constraints will create a feasible solution but satisfying maximum soft constraint would give an optimized solution.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 341-344

Automated Timetable Generator Andriod Application

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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