Development of mixed fruit jam from Ber and Guava fruits and its sensory and physico-chemical evaluation

  • Unique Paper ID: 162267
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 20-26
  • Abstract:
  • The production and processing of mixed fruit jam from ber and guava was the main focus of the current investigation. Evaluation of mixed fruit jam in terms of sensory and physicochemical assessment with storage trials was also conducted. To make mixed fruit jam, fresh and completely ripe ber and guava fruits were used. The Mixed fruit jam prepared by using treatment (T1) having pulp 50 + 50 gm (Ber and Guava) pulp, 72g sugar, and 0.8 gm citric acid was found to be superior in colour, appearance, texture, taste, flavour and overall acceptability to those prepared by using other combinations. The physicochemical properties of mixed fruit jam were assessed using a variety of criteria, including total sugar, reducing sugar, acidity, pH, moisture, ash, and total soluble solids (TSS). During the storage of mixed jam at ambient temperature for 180 days, the Acidity %, TSS oBrix, Total sugar %, Reducing sugar % and Microbial load (cfu/ml) increased, whereas Moisture %, Ash%, pH and Protein % decreased with the time. Because of the high acidity and appropriate preservation of the produced samples, the microbial load (cfu/ml) in the jam was determined to be quite low. In all of the jam samples, there was very little microbiological contamination.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 20-26

Development of mixed fruit jam from Ber and Guava fruits and its sensory and physico-chemical evaluation

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