Resource planning in product management system

  • Unique Paper ID: 162441
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 106-113
  • Abstract:
  • When a software development company wants to achieve its goals on time and efficiently use its staff on the projects, the company must have hands-on information related to several employees working on various projects along with their skill set and the number of employees still needed to complete the projects on time. Resource Planner is a convenient tool to handle various projects in a software company efficiently. Resource Planner is an online tool to manage projects currently running with the company as well as future projects. This tool tracks the employees working on the existing projects and details of new projects like no. of employees required, location, etc. With this tool, HR can estimate the requirement of employees for the new projects and hence can recruit an exact number of employees. This is an online tool so more than one user can log in to the system and use the tool simultaneously. The administrator of this software will be able to create new users and remove any users. He can also view the management reports where the information is presented project-wise and location-wise. He can also get information on any employees who are there in a particular project and their skill set. When he wants employees for a particular project, he can add that information mentioning how many are working on the project and how many employees are totaled for the project. This information can be had both for online and offline projects. This software thus aids the company management in wasting resources and planning the acts and employees from time to time.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 106-113

Resource planning in product management system

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