Smart Assistance For Visually Impaired People

  • Unique Paper ID: 162470
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 183-187
  • Abstract:
  • Smart Blind Stick is a device designed to help guide the visually impaired people by detecting objects and give them the information in the form of speech.Thus, the smart stick comes as solution to help blind people to perform navigation and to do their walk easily and comfortably. With the normal stick, the detection of the obstacle is not done and the normal stick is not efficient for visually impaired people since it cannot detect obstacles completely.If they face any obstacle, they can sense it by the Ultrasonic sensors, and also they can hear the guide directions in the Bluetooth or headset. The camera module is used to detect the obstacle through an ultrasonic sensor that placed on the stick. The captured image is sent to the OCR to identify the type of the object and then it is convert it to voice command through the speaker or via Bluetooth connected with Raspberry pi. A Wet sensor is placed at the down of stick to measure the degree of water land soil moisture and Fire sensors are used to detect wet floor and fire and the buzzer is occurred

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 183-187

Smart Assistance For Visually Impaired People

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