Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Integration in Hotel Management Information Systems: Enhancing Efficiency, Customer Experience, and Operational Performance

  • Unique Paper ID: 162584
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 339-344
  • Abstract:
  • Purpose - The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is critical in the digital age. The purpose of this review article is to assess the literature on artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry. Method - This review article used a narrative synthesis. In addition, a systematic literature review was conducted to investigate artificial intelligence in the restaurant industry. Literature and information were obtained from various books and scientific articles from EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct. Inclusion criteria were studies that clearly defined AI in all areas of the hospitality industry, were published and written in English, and were peer reviewed. Content analysis was used. Results - The use of artificial intelligence is a strategic and critical factor in economic development. In addition, artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly being used as digital assistants. They help restaurants in a number of ways, including improving customer service, expanding operations and reducing costs. However, advances in artificial intelligence come with some risks, such as job losses in low-tech industries, loss of control due to robot autonomy, and safety, security, and privacy concerns. Conclusion - AI technologies have both positive and negative impacts on workforce and employment in the hospitality industry. Recommendations - The recommendation is to consider quantitative research on AI implementation in the restaurant industry or other industries. A qualitative approach could also give a clear picture of the results of further research. Research Implications - This review article added to the existing literature on AI adoption in the hospitality industry. Thus, it could be used in future research on the adoption of AI in the hospitality industry. It can also help researchers expand their research by including more possible elements. Practical Implications - This review article helps to understand the adoption of AI in the hospitality industry. In addition, it can help business owners, managers and marketers in the hospitality industry or any industry to achieve and improve high business performance by implementing appropriate strategies with th

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