A Study of Pioneering Sustainable Reforestation through Drone Technology

  • Unique Paper ID: 162720
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 877-882
  • Abstract:
  • It is common knowledge that forests are the primary and essential resource for our nation. Their advantages are greater, however, because of deforestation, wildfires, and excessive human population, livestock farming is conducted to increase production. As cities expand and more land is used for housing, urbanization is causing the loss of 1.5 acres of forest every second. Therefore, it is important to preserve forests. We have encountered these issues and developed a concept known as the tree planting drone, which incorporates four technological components covering a variety of topics, including IOT, Mechanics, Aerodynamics, and fly control system. Initially, we will conduct an assessment of the terrain is shot into the ground by a drone after we have prepared the soil for planting. We will plant seeds in the ground and then use Internet of Things technology to manage their germination and growth. Innovation in the field of technology. With the assistance of two operators and ten drones, we are able to plant approximately 10 thousand plants in a single day. With the help of operators and drones, we can plant approximately 35,000 plants in just one day. Presently, in rural areas The only reason behind the delay in agriculture is on the downside. There are no workers currently available to do the planting task. also, they will require additional payment, but the crucial point to grasp is that the former is contingent on farming. The planting drone includes a seed container for storing seeds, as well as a funnel for planting them. When the seeds are released, the entire planting system is connected to the underside of the drone and has the capability to transport. Planting can be done quickly and efficiently by using one to five kilograms of seeds at a time, as estimated. This method saves time and makes planting easier. To combat deforestation, we plan to restore the forest by planting trees in order to reap the benefits. We rely on forests and there are more of us. The seeds container is both biodegradable and contains a nutrient solution. The seeds begin to germinate with the assistance of a nutrient solution, which is a key factor in combating deforestation and promoting reforestation to preserve our forests.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 877-882

A Study of Pioneering Sustainable Reforestation through Drone Technology

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