Role Of NCTE In Execution Of Teacher Education

  • Unique Paper ID: 162963
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 506-509
  • Abstract:
  • Teacher Education has been given importance throughout the world as it provides training in certain skills to transform learners achievement. As the quality and extent of learner achievement are determined primarily by teacher competence, sensitivity, teacher aptitude and their dynamic personality. NCTE related to improvements in quality of teacher and execution of teacher’s education programme. Ministry of Education has established NCTE on 21st May 1973. The headquarters of NCTE is in Delhi. NCTE has four regional centres namely Jaipur, Bangaluru, Bhubaneswar & Bhopal. The main activities of NCTE are Research - Extension services, Development Programmes, Training, & Evaluations. The fundamental objectives of NCTE are to achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education system throughout the country & proper execution of Norms and Standards in the teacher education system. The NCTE in recent years emphasized the need for duration of courses by strengthening pedagogy and practice in taking programme with the incorporation of internship. The period of pre-service training is two years. In order to concretize the imperatives of NCF - 2005 and the concerns of RTE Act 2009, the NCTE brought out the latest National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) in early 2010. The dream of a learning society can become reality only when the dream teachers are well equipped with moral, professional intellectual, practical and communication skills to convince the students through their efficient teaching.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 506-509

Role Of NCTE In Execution Of Teacher Education

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