The impact of social media on Mental Health

  • Unique Paper ID: 162992
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 599-606
  • Abstract:
  • : It has long been known that excessive usage of social media is linked to a rise in mental wellness issues. Young adult's access to social media is rapidly increasing, which leads to worries about how it can affect their mental health and general wellness. This is especially true for populations of university students, where mental health problems are becoming more common. This study used qualitative methods to determine how social media use may lead to stress in daily life. Numerous youths express a preference for digital interventions and use social media to look for assistance as well as data online. Therefore, social media-deployed digital therapies hold the potential to reach a group that is not currently receiving therapy and may be at risk of experiencing deteriorating symptoms. Our goal in conducting this review was to locate and examine empirical studies on social media-based therapies that enhance the mental health of adolescents and young adults. Students were questioned about how they use social media and if it causes them stress. A follow-up question asked them to explain the cause of the stress. Thematic analysis was used to look at the free-text replies from participants; Over 500 students submitted statements for review. In this paper, data is given by those under the age of 30 and discusses how many hours per day people are spending time on social media, which social media platforms people are using regularly, which is the primary activity on social media, which type of content people mostly engaging with on social media, and talking about anxiety, depression, self-esteem after spending time on social media. The complex relationship between young people's use of social media and mental health is highlighted by the findings, which could help shape the creation of suitable their ages guidelines on distress awareness and management.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 599-606

The impact of social media on Mental Health

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