Occupational Stress and Mental Health of Bank Employees: A Comprehensive Analysis

  • Unique Paper ID: 163089
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 667-672
  • Abstract:
  • Particularly in high-stress industries like banking, occupational stress has a substantial negative impact on workers' mental health and productivity. This research explores the frequency, causes, and effects of professional stress on the mental health of bank workers. Using a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative interviews with quantitative surveys, the study offers a comprehensive knowledge of the impact of occupational stress on those working in the banking sector. To lessen these consequences, it also assesses coping mechanisms and organizational measures. The purpose of the research is to provide useful information for creating interventions and support systems that will improve employee well-being and organizational effectiveness in the banking industry.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 667-672

Occupational Stress and Mental Health of Bank Employees: A Comprehensive Analysis

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