MediQ: Facilitating Access to Healthcare with Smooth Local Pharmacy Integration

  • Unique Paper ID: 163126
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 740-744
  • Abstract:
  • A state-of-the-art project created with the Flutter framework and Firebase backend infrastructure is the "MediQ" mobile application. Its main goal is to increase the accessibility and simplicity of healthcare by enabling users to quickly search for specific drugs and easily find nearby pharmacies that offer the necessary meds. This project creates a strong and secure backend for managing data about medications and pharmacies by easily integrating Firebase. The main database, Firebase Firestore, contains vital data about medications and the pharmacies that carry them. To further improve user experience and guarantee data security, Firebase Cloud Functions, Firebase Authentication, and Firebase Hosting may be included. Firebase Firestore queries are used internally to retrieve information about pharmacies that have the searched

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 740-744

MediQ: Facilitating Access to Healthcare with Smooth Local Pharmacy Integration

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