IOT Based Anti-Poaching Alarming System For Forest Trees

  • Unique Paper ID: 163586
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1706-1710
  • Abstract:
  • For many days we are reading in the newspapers about smuggling of the trees like sandal, “Sagwan” etc. These trees are very costly as well as less available in the world. These are use in the medical sciences as well as cosmetics. Because of huge amount of money involved in selling of such tree woods lots of incidents are happening of cutting of trees and their smuggling. In India also in the jungles of Karnataka and Tamilnadu notorious Smuggler “Virrappan” did the smuggling of such trees for so many years. To restrict such smuggling and to save the forests around the globe some preventive measures need to be deployed. We are developing such a system which can be used to restrict this smuggling. Smuggling of sandalwood has created socio economic and law and order problems in areas bordering the state of Tamil Nadu and other regions in India. The purpose of this project is to save valuable trees which have high demand in market like teak, Sandalwood, etc. Monitor & control of parameters like Tilt of Tree, Cutting of Tree, burning of tree is done through the IOT and can be accessed on the Android app installed in android smartphone.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1706-1710

IOT Based Anti-Poaching Alarming System For Forest Trees

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