Implementation Of Smart Restaurant E-menu Cards In Smart Cities

  • Unique Paper ID: 163942
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 458-463
  • Abstract:
  • The paper is proposed with the Zigbee technology as the communication medium which implements faster ordering system. The technology able to solve lack number of worker, reduces the error on ordering foods by the customers. The e-menu food ordering system is based on software-hardware platform of Arduino (ATMega328p) and using Zigbee short range radio communication technologies. We have divided the system in two sections one is handheld section (customer section) and other is main section (owner section), both section consists of Zigbee transceivers. At handheld section Nextion with touch screen is provided to place the order and order sends further to main section via Zigbee transceiver. Simultaneously buzzer will indicate that order has arrived and LCD display which is at main section is used to display food menu order and cost.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 458-463

Implementation Of Smart Restaurant E-menu Cards In Smart Cities

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