Usage of various construction equipment, tools at construction site & noise impact on human health near Koyali in Vadodara

  • Unique Paper ID: 164500
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 1706-1712
  • Abstract:
  • There are various industries in the world, risks and inherent hazards are involved in the industries, construction industry one of them where environmental issues are involved and due to movement of construction equipment, operation of hand power tools lot of environmental issues is being elevated by the operation of construction equipment e. g. dust, land and noise pollutions. Most of the workers in construction industry in India and other part of the world are usually exposed to excessive noise in their workplace. The noise which has been recorded in BS-IV Flare Project, near Koyali Vadodara are as follows: chop saw machine 116 dbA max, Plate compactor 112 dbA Max. AG-7 grinding machine 110 dbA Max, mobile crane (110 MT) 105 dbA Max, and transit mixture 93 dbA Max recorded from one-meter distance. On the construction site, noise pollution impacts millions of people on daily basis. The most common health problem it causes is noise induces hearing loss (NIHL). Exposure to loud noise can also cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbance, and stress. The abatement of noise pollution and its control on construction site / workplace must ensure through adequate awareness training, lectures, announcement through PA system, radio talks, news media, and other programs.

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