• Unique Paper ID: 164524
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 825-828
  • Abstract:
  • As we all know the fuel prices especially the petrol is rising steadily day by day. Again the pollution due to vehicles in metro cities & urban areas is increasing continuously. To overcome these problems, an effort is being made to search some other alternative sources of energy or to move back on the non-conventional sources of energy for the vehicles. Again, it is also not affordable to purchase vehicles (mopeds, scooters or motorcycles) for all the class of society. Moreover the vehicles which use the non-conventional sources of energy are not economic feasible for all the class of the society of Human life. In the concept of smart cities, quickness is something which everyone craves for. People prefer the fastest means while travelling from one place to another. Generally, while maintaining a trade-off between speed, comfort and cost public transit comes out to be the best solution. But since these vehicles have specific routes and stations, people face difficulty in going to the station from source location and then from the other station to destination. Use of fuel powered vehicles is not recommended due to the depletion of fossil fuels, also these vehicles pose a major threat to the safety to the lives of many. Apart from the noise and air pollution, fuel powered vehicles are quite powerful and thus unsafe if don’t used with care. Transportation has been one of the most important issues to be dealt with. Short distance traveling is tedious, time consuming and expensive task. It is very difficult to reach the nearest public transport facility and in many cases the destination will be very far from the main roads. To overcome this common problem an idea is conceptualized to design and fabricate a foldable cycle, which can be used to reach nearest public transport facilities, easy to fold around the bag and carry or can be utilized as a trolley

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 825-828


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