Data Analysis Of Business

  • Unique Paper ID: 164656
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 1624-1628
  • Abstract:
  • The secret of doing successful business lies in the accuracy of the decisions taken for the inventory management, production plans, being customer centric and being agile for the market developments. The business data processing for any business is huge one and may contain many hidden things, which must be revealed out intelligently and with optimization with respect to the time and other source constraints. Many times, it is beyond the scope of the human mind to figure out and relate the interdependencies of the multiple factors embedded in the business data and hence the machines could help in this context to make the task easy. When it comes to find the Association rules between different products of any shop or store, the Apriori algorithm tops the choice. The current review work depicts the attempts to use the Apriori algorithm in an optimized way and implementing the same according to the prevailing conditions. Because of the fierce competition in the market, everyone is busy with getting the maximum attention of people. For that producer must have products which satisfies the needs of customers. Huge scale research is going in this field. In such situations, customer requirements are very important. The value of a production plan can be modelled as a function that reflects the communication of the company with different agents, for example, customers and competitors. The issue concentrated in this system is to recognize the production plan with the maximum utility for a company, where expected number of the customers for the chosen products assesses the utility of a production plan in the plan. The solution is achieved using Apriori Algorithm in Data Mining.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 1624-1628

Data Analysis Of Business

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