Urban Vistas and Design Elements Shaping the Urban Landscape: A Case Study of Indira Nagar, Bangalore

  • Unique Paper ID: 164732
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 1739-1745
  • Abstract:
  • Indira Nagar in Bangalore stands as a vibrant testament to urban design principles and practices. This paper presents a detailed case study of Indira Nagar, focusing on its urban vistas, nodes and design elements that shape its unique urban landscape. Through extensive field surveys, mapping, and analysis, key features of the area's urban fabric are explored, highlighting its historical development, spatial organization, and architectural character. The study investigates how Indira Nagar's urban design elements, such as street layouts, building typologies, and public spaces, contribute to its livability and sense of place. By examining the area's nodes and junctions, the paper reveals the intricate network of pathways and connections that define its urban form. Furthermore, it discusses the application of urban design principles, such as imageability, legibility, enclosure, humanscale and transparency in shaping Indira Nagar's urban identity. The findings of this study contribute to the broader understanding of future urban development strategies, emphasizing the importance of context-sensitive design approaches that celebrate the unique heritage and character of each place.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 1739-1745

Urban Vistas and Design Elements Shaping the Urban Landscape: A Case Study of Indira Nagar, Bangalore

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