Image And Text Encrypted Data With Authorized Deduplication In Cloud

  • Unique Paper ID: 164755
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2628-2631
  • Abstract:
  • In our investigation, we implement the use of role re-encryption within a secure system to address concerns related to data leakage and deduplication. The primary objective is to ensure the effectiveness of the system by verifying evidence of ownership and determining whether a user is authorized. The approach involves sharing access keys for authorized users, allowing them to access specific files without compromising personal information. To enhance security, we adopt a strategy that avoids the use of both text and digital visuals. Personal media, such as photographs, is stored across various devices like mobile phones, portable gadgets, and computers. Given the sensitive nature of these photographs, encryption is applied to maintain confidentiality. In the contemporary digital landscape, text files are equally crucial and must be securely stored on cloud servers. During the transmission of digital photographs, stringent measures are taken to safeguard them. Additionally, personal identity information, including copies of documents like a PAN card, passport, and ATM card, is consolidated and stored on a single secure platform to prevent duplication in our proposed system

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2628-2631

Image And Text Encrypted Data With Authorized Deduplication In Cloud

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