• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

Analysis of Seismic Behavior in Stiffness-Irregular Structures

  • Unique Paper ID: 164777
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2273-2278
  • Abstract:
  • The Indian Standard code IS-1893:2002 (Part-I) lists a number of structural irregularities and suggests many analytical techniques for them. According to Table 5 of the regulation, stiffness irregularities—which include soft storey and severe soft storey conditions—are types of vertical abnormalities that rely on the lateral stiffness ratios between neighboring storeys. Soft storey abnormalities are often cited in reconnaissance reports since they are a major contributor to building damage in previous earthquakes. High-rise structures frequently require the incorporation of soft levels to accommodate social, aesthetic, and practical requirements including parking, lobbies, and service floors because of their elevated storey heights. On the other hand, dramatic differences in stiffness resulting from abrupt changes in the number of infill walls between storeys can also generate soft storeys due to vibrations caused by earthquakes. The purpose of this study is to comprehend, in accordance with IS-1893:2002 (Part-I), how soft storeys affect a 15-story reinforced concrete framed structure's reaction to seismic stress. In order to reduce buckling caused by slenderness, building designs and layouts were chosen based on height-to-width ratios and element size. The attributes of members in certain storeys were changed, most notably by raising the storey height by 46.87%, introducing irregularities. ETABS was used to evaluate the response characteristics of the idealized 15-story model with different soft storey placements, and the Seismic Coefficient Method was used to compare the results with human computations. Five different scenarios were examined, ranging from a structure with four soft storeys on the fifth, tenth, twelve, and fifteenth floors to one with none at all. The outcomes, which comprise displacement and stiffness, In the report's findings section, displacement and inter-storey drift were assessed and displayed as response charts.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2273-2278

Analysis of Seismic Behavior in Stiffness-Irregular Structures

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