The study on The Role of Emotional Design in User Experience for E-commerce Platforms: Insights from a Comprehensive Study

  • Unique Paper ID: 164840
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2297-2305
  • Abstract:
  • This article presents an in-depth examination of the key role of emotions in shaping user interactions with products, with a particular focus on e-commerce platforms. Drawing inspiration from Don Norman's seminal work on the psychology of design, the research delves into the field of emotional design and its profound impact on user experience. By exploring the complex relationships between emotional recommendations and user engagement, trust and satisfaction, the study aims to clarify the transformative potential of emotional design in e-commerce contexts. Using a multi-dimensional approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including user research, interviews and usability testing, the research seeks to uncover the complex interplay between design thinking and user experience in digital environments. Through careful examination of real-world user interactions and emotional responses, the study seeks to uncover actionable insights that can inform the strategic design of emotionally resonant e-commerce experiences, thereby promoting greater user engagement, satisfaction and loyalty.

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