Design and Development of Online Pet Care System

  • Unique Paper ID: 165039
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 3010-3015
  • Abstract:
  • For many years animals have had a special place in the heart of residents. People view animals as their friends and children, appeared in art and sculptures as the companion of gods, and have long been a symbol of power. With the rich historical relationship between Indians and animals, we may be curious about what the state of pet ownership in the country is like. The pet population in India is estimated to be around 32 million, growing at 11% per annum, with dogs being the most popular, followed by cats and fish. The pet adoption rate is above 10% with the GenZ contributing to the new pet population. At an overall level, the market has increased more than 20% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) in the last 2 years of the pandemic. Some brands like Purina have talked about 80%+ growth in the last year itself. The rapid growth of the pet care industry, coupled with the increasing importance of technology in our daily lives, has led to a demand for innovative solutions that streamline and enhance pet care services. This paper presents the Design and Development of an Online Pet Care System, a comprehensive web and app based platform aimed at improving the efficiency and accessibility of pet care services. The Online Pet Care System leverages the power of modern technology to connect animal lovers, pet owners, pet care service providers, and veterinarians through a user-friendly and interactive interface. The system offers a range of features, including veterinary consultations, temporary foster parenting, entertainment, selling/adopting pets, blood bank, pet-related e-commerce, facilitating efficient pet care management.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 3010-3015

Design and Development of Online Pet Care System

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