Design and Implementation of Improving Transparency between Doner and Seeker in Blood Bank Management System Implementing on Cloud Computing

  • Unique Paper ID: 165197
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 720-725
  • Abstract:
  • Blood bank is a central repository where blood as a result of blood collection and donation is stored and managed for future use in blood transfusions [1]. There are several online web-based blood bank management systems for data storage for blood center and hospitals to manage donor information, available blood, and transaction information. Recent research on this topic shows that manual systems consume time, tedious and expensive compared to the computerized information system [1]. This is also evident in praising computerization as a mechanism to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in this area and highlighting some critical issues that are left out such as the correct accountability of the system administration. In this paper, we are study about previous work on blood bank management system. No one offers the possibility of direct contact between the taxpayer and the beneficiary. This is tremendous damage, especially in conditions where blood is really needed. This document formed the development of the cloud architecture by giving a cloud database of the blood donation centre that contains entire sights and from various roots as the center of the blood donors, the systems of national service, non-governmental organizations, healing centers and through Webu.

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