Ras Dhatu and its physiological effects of Kshay and Vridhi on the human body

  • Unique Paper ID: 165508
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1117-1121
  • Abstract:
  • Ras Dhatu is that primary tissue of sustenance and nourishment in an individual's body according to Ayurveda. It can be paralleled with plasma or chyle, according to contemporary physiology, and it is the primary factor in nutrient distribution after digestion has taken place. The present article intends to deliberate on the physiological effects of imbalances in Ras Dhatu, specifically its depletion (Kshay) and excessive increase (Vridhi) on the human body. A thorough review of Ayurvedic textual material and contemporary research works would be reviewed for getting an understanding of the causes, symptoms, and management of imbalances of Ras Dhatu. Kshay of Ras Dhatu can occur due to factors like improper nutrition, overexertion, chronic diseases, and stress, which result in dryness, weakness, emaciation, digestive disturbances, and instability of mind. Excess of Ras Dhatu can be due to eating in excess, sedentary lifestyle, intake of Kapha-causing foods, and weak digestion, which leads to obesity and lethargy, Medas in Vikriti, Udaka in Rasa Dhatu, oedema, fortification of Dosha in the body, loss of appetite, indigestion, and respiratory diseases like cough, dyspnoea, etc. The knowledge of the Samyak Ras Pramana of Dhatu is vital for health and prevention of disease. Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle routines with suitable herbal remedies help in attaining and maintaining this balance in the body. Integrating Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices would offer a more holistic manner of health care.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1117-1121

Ras Dhatu and its physiological effects of Kshay and Vridhi on the human body

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