Review of Literature on the role of Christian Charitable Organizations in Promoting Rural Social Transformation in Kerala: An analysis

  • Unique Paper ID: 165851
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1843-1855
  • Abstract:
  • Purpose: The study aims to examine the role of Christian Charitable Institutions in promoting Social Transformation in rural Kerala. Christian Charitable Organizations have significantly contributed to the educational and social development by operating on the moral and social principles inherent in the Christian faith. Christianity has a long-standing history in Kerala, where charitable organizations have been active in its social progress. However, there is a need for a more scientific approach in the implementation of development activities by these organizations. The literature review specifically highlights the contribution of Christian Charitable organizations in rural development. Additionally, the study seeks to explore the educational and social initiatives of the Syro- Malankara Catholic Church. Research Design: The study uses descriptive research designs by using secondary data from electronic sources such as Google Scholar and other data bases. Result/Outcome/Findings of the Study: The paper highlights the role of Christian Charitable Organizations in the development of rural Kerala, focusing on their contributions across various fields. The findings emphasize on the enhanced involvement of Christian Charitable Institutions in the nation building. Originality/Value: The synthesis derived based on the surveys of literature is original in its derived form. Paper type: Review of Literature based on various electronic databases of international and national journals related the Christian charitable organizations and their various contributions for the rural development.

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Impact Factor
8.01 (Year 2024)

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