Concept of Machine learning

  • Unique Paper ID: 166574
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1245-1248
  • Abstract:
  • In the 1950s, machine learning emerged as a scientific subject within artificial intelligence. The earliest attempts in machine learning date back to the 1950s, however during that time there were few noteworthy advances and studies in the field. Nonetheless, research in this area was revived, expanded, and continues to this day in the 1990s. This is a science that will continue to advance. This development is due to the challenge of processing and analyzing the ever-increasing amount of data. The foundation of machine learning is the idea that, because of this growing amount of data, the best model for the new data can be found among the old data. The foundation of machine learning is the idea that, because of this growing amount of data, the best model for the new data can be found among the old data. As a result, research on machine learning will continue with the growth of data. This study covers the background, techniques, and application domains of machine learning as well as current research in the subject. The purpose of this study is to educate academics on machine learning, a field that has gained a lot of popularity recently, and its applications.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1245-1248

Concept of Machine learning

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