Shadkriya Kala and its Correlation with the Manifestation of Disease: A Comprehensive Review

  • Unique Paper ID: 166636
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1474-1479
  • Abstract:
  • Shadkriya Kala is a fundamental concept in Ayurveda, explaining the six stages of disease development: Sanchaya (Accumulation), Prakopa (Aggravation), Prasara (Spread), Sthana Samshraya (Localization), Vyakti (Manifestation), and Bheda (Complications). This is an ancient scheme of things describing a methodical approach to the staging of. This is a narrative review which incorporates classical knowledge with contemporary research and other knowledge about the stages of Shadkriya Kala in correlation to the manifestation of diseases. Literature review from classical and the one written in the recent course to see the relevance of Shadkriya Kala. It will also highlight ways of how Panchakarma and other Ayurvedic treatments may be brought to use for the management of diseases in the various stages. The intervention at each stage of Shadkriya Kala modifies the given conditions and therefore can change the course of the disease. In Praklinna stage, intervention by diet and modification in lifestyle would prevent onset. In Agantuja stage AYUR treatment like Panchakarma treatments –Panchakarma are proven to manage symptoms and increase the quality of life. Modern research has confirmed that the principles of Ayurveda—fundamental to the theory of Ayurveda can help to treat metabolic disorders, inflammatory, and chronic diseases. Shadkriya Kala is a practical guide to disease progression and to providing treatment approaches. When the principles of Ayurveda are considered to make an attempt at working out the modern medical approaches, disease management can be made more intimate; so, verification and greater scaling-out of this ancient wisdom into the realm of workability in modern healthcare, the thesis stipulates.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1474-1479

Shadkriya Kala and its Correlation with the Manifestation of Disease: A Comprehensive Review

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