An Assessment of Awareness of Risk Factors for Skin Infections and its Impact on Life

  • Unique Paper ID: 167224
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 389-396
  • Abstract:
  • Objective: The skin infection is a worldwide prevalent disease and there is a strong need to make people aware about its causes and its impact on life. Hence aim of this study is to assess awareness of skin infection, among adults at tertiary care center. Methods: A observational, prospective study was conducted among out dermatological adult patients. By administering a questionary among 120 patients to elicit information on sociodemographic factors, awareness, family history, and prevalence of skin infection. QOL was investigated by a validated questionnaire DLQI (Dermatology life quality index). Statistical analysis was employed to determine relationships between variables if any. Results: Among 120 patients, Acne (n=35) was prevalent, followed by warts (n=31), ringworm (n=28), vitiligo (n=11), Athlete's foot (n=10), and psoriasis (n=5), It was found that most of patients were aware of the risk factors of skin infection. It was found that their QOL if affected in term of physical symptoms caused by Symptoms and feeling (85.8%). It was noted that most of patients were familiar with the term skin infection (81.7%). Most of patients were aware of sharing personal belongings. (n=80.0%). Several significant associations (p<0.05) between variables of awareness of risk factors associated with skin infection and QOL were documented. Conclusion: Our findings revealed skin disease had negatively impacted individual QOL with different level of aspects Most of the patients were found to be aware of skin infection. Nevertheless, patients reported that their QOL was affected due to physical symptoms and treatment of skin infection.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 389-396

An Assessment of Awareness of Risk Factors for Skin Infections and its Impact on Life

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