Impact of Agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund in Nigeria. A Review Analysis

  • Unique Paper ID: 167469
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 1492-1498
  • Abstract:
  • The study aimed to examined the impacts of agricultural credit fund (ACGSF) in Nigeria based on the systematic and analytical reviewed of previous related research conducted on the impact on agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund (ACGSF). Qualitative research was employed to provide in depth and systematic analysis of previous research finding on agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund. From the reviewed finding it has been established that agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund had impact of agricultural sector such as agricultural productivity, food security, increase access to credit for the farmers, reduce the borrowing cost and increase agricultural production. The finding also revealed the fisheries as subsector was least finance which reflect low contribution to growth domestic products. Conversely, agricultural credit guarantee scheme face with some number of challenges such as default in repayment of loan due to the natural disaster, limited geographical coverage, administrative cost as well as corruption. The study recommend that the interest rate is major setback in achieving the dream, efficient and well- developed agricultural sector government should device fund disbursement techniques where farmer will be given loan at a lower interest rate this will make farmers prompt repayment.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 1492-1498

Impact of Agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund in Nigeria. A Review Analysis

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