An Analysis of Memory in Ishiguro’s Posthuman World

  • Unique Paper ID: 167778
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 390-400
  • Abstract:
  • Memory, man’s basic attribute serves as an integral part of human cognition. The experiences and emotions of an individual and the continued accumulation of such strong memories fuel the individual’s physical and cognitive growth. The culmination of present and past memories become the framework of his/her subjective future that in turn affects the environment and the society they live in. Be it flora or fauna, every lifeform possesses memory at its level of exposure. However, an amazing attribute of memory that is reserved for only the human species is the imagination. But what if this human specific ability can be extended to a more technologically advanced being that are created by man and are more competent to him in many ways, promoting man from being a creation to becoming a creator. Literature, a hyperbolic imitator of life has effectively over the years imitated and imagined ahead of its time. The literary genre of Science Fiction caters to the ahead of time thinking. The present paper deals with the attributes of memory studies and the future of it by delving deep into a memory specific novel by Ishiguro.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 390-400

An Analysis of Memory in Ishiguro’s Posthuman World

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