How Criminals Use Insanity as Defense as A Loophole

  • Unique Paper ID: 167832
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 754-757
  • Abstract:
  • The law is formed for the people and by the people. The law works under the systematic process written and formed by the Legislature acting with the support of the Judiciary. The purpose of law is to provide justice to the victims and provide punishment to the criminals. The criminals are not those who does wrong with the people but the criminals are those who thought of doing wrong with others. As the law says, a crime consists of two things Mens Rea and Actus Reus. The Mens rea is the intention to commit a crime and the Actus Reus is the act in the crime. The court does not declare that every person who is standing in the position of accused is actually the accused. The person who is in apprehension of being an accused is considered to be innocent until he’s being proven guilty by relevant evidences and witnesses. The Insanity is the best term that explains that every criminal act starts with the mind. An insane person can never be considered guilty of an offence even though he has committed a rigorous offence. But sometimes criminals misuse this term to save themselves from punishments. Insanity is quite challenging to be proved because generally it is seen in the movies that to prove in the court that their act was under Insanity, they can be saved from the punishment which does not provide justice to the victim and his family.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 754-757

How Criminals Use Insanity as Defense as A Loophole

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