Effectiveness of instructional package on knowledge regarding partograph among nursing students

  • Unique Paper ID: 168150
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 1574-1582
  • Abstract:
  • Partograph is a chart on which the salient features of labor are entered in a graphical form or it is a labor graph used to compare the progress of an individual women’s labor in terms of dilatation and fetal descent with expected norms. A quasi-experimental research design (non-randomized control group design) was used to check the effectiveness of instructional package on knowledge regarding partograph among nursing students. Total 60 students (30 in experimental and 30 control group) were selected by using purposive sampling technique (non-probability sampling). Self- administered questionnaire administered to collect the data. Pre-test knowledge score of experimental 27(90.0%) and control group 30 (100%) has inadequate knowledge, 3(10.0%) of the students were having moderately adequate knowledge and 0(0.0%) of the students were having adequate knowledge regarding partograph. The post-test knowledge score of experimental group was, 0(0.0%) of the students were having Inadequate knowledge, 18(60.0%) of the students were having moderately adequate knowledge and 12(40.0%) of the students were having adequate knowledge regarding partograph. The pre-test mean± SD of the experimental group was 14.633 ± 2.5391 and 12.433 ± 2.8000 of control group. The mean± SD post-test knowledge score of experimental group was 23.633 ± 2.1413 and 9.767 ± 3.1369 of control group. The p value 0.000 and .001 of experimental and control group shows that there was a significant difference in the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge scores. Post-test result reveals that the interventional package was effective to increase knowledge regarding partograph among nursing students.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 1574-1582

Effectiveness of instructional package on knowledge regarding partograph among nursing students

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