Exploring the Role of Body Language in the Speech Delivery of EFL Learners at the English Department of Helmand University

  • Unique Paper ID: 168315
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 463-474
  • Abstract:
  • This study explores body language's role in enhancing the speech delivery of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at the English Department of Helmand University. Effective communication in a foreign language involves verbal skills and non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and posture, significantly influencing speech clarity and confidence. By examining the perceptions and experiences of EFL learners regarding body language during presentations and classroom interactions, this research seeks to highlight how non-verbal communication impacts fluency, audience engagement, and overall speech performance. The findings offer insights for improving speech training strategies in EFL curricula, emphasizing the integration of body language as a vital component of communicative competence. The research was conducted at Helmand University, English Department. A quantitative descriptive survey research design was utilized to gather the data from the respondents. 60 EFL learners were randomly selected from three different classes in the English Department. The data was analyzed and described using Microsoft Excel for finding frequency and percentage. The findings showed that body language is crucial in students' speech delivery. It helps students to overcome their fear and increase their confidence and courage. It helps them in understanding speech, make them attentive, adds meaning to their speech, catch more attention of audience and convey their messages in an effective way.

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