An Investigation into the Conceptualisation of Agricultural Marketing: A Driving Force Behind Rural Marketing in India

  • Unique Paper ID: 168349
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 556-563
  • Abstract:
  • India is commonly thought of being a nation that focusses on agriculture. Since gaining independence, providing food for the newly born people has been India's top priority, and the country has been able to achieve its agricultural goals. Developing agriculture and agricultural marketing is the primary goal since, given the country's large population, there is a pressing need to increase the food supply. The majority of Indians still call rural or village life home. Put another way, out of a total population of almost 833.33 million, 68.84% call one of 6,40,867 localities home. The sheer magnitude of this rural Indian market speaks much about its potential. Even though the rest of the world's economies were in a deep slump, the Indian rural market managed to stay afloat. The marketing gurus determined the tagline "Go rural" after studying the socio-economic shifts in rural areas. In one way or another, agriculture is the lifeblood of rural communities. Improving the marketing of agricultural products is now a top priority, as this will ensure that farmers receive the largest possible portion of consumer spending. Agricultural marketing is at the core of rural marketing, which is essential for the advancement of the country. This study aims to emphasise the significance of agricultural marketing in rural India's progress. In addition to exploring potential solutions to the challenges faced by agricultural marketers, this study delves into the ways in which rural communities might improve their marketing environment.

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