Evaluating the Attitudes of Local Communities towards Foreign Mining Companies, Government Policies, and Intervention Case study: Jackson Village, Liberia

  • Unique Paper ID: 168386
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 767-774
  • Abstract:
  • This study aims to assess the attitudes of local communities toward foreign mining companies, government policies, and interventions in Jackson Village Liberia, and provide recommendations that may improve community-mining relations and the more sustainable exploitation of Liberia’s natural resources. The study is based on a survey of 80 households in Jackson Village, Jorquelleh district number 3 Bong County, Liberia as well as focus group discussions with resettled communities, chief’s elders, compensated individuals, and young people. Statistically, the discussion on the rules and regulations of the Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) governing both the citizens and the Uring gold mining company with the Government has not yet yielded based on the violations by the Uring gold mining community. Respondents said the violations of the mineral development agreement continuously increase the disregarding of the mining laws by citizens towards Uring gold mining company. This study finds that the majority of local people do not have a favourable attitude toward mining policies and interventions. 65% of respondents have unfavourable attitudes towards mining policies and interventions, compared to 35% who have favourable attitudes. Economic challenges are the most pressing issue in mining communities that cause unfavourable attitudes towards mining policies and interventions, followed by environmental factors.

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