Forensic Gene cs: Scope And It’s Applica on Forensic Genetics : Scope And It’s Applica on

  • Unique Paper ID: 168436
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 901-903
  • Abstract:
  • The application of scientific knowledge to judicial or legal issues is known as forensic science. Deducing the identify of a piece of evidence or a suspect in a crime is one of the judicial system's main concerns, and forensic experts are crucial in this process. A developing area of dentistry called forensic odontology deals with the use of dentistry in the court of law. Based on Interpol DVI rules, one of the main elements of identification is dental characteristics. Therefore, one of the key areas of forensic odontology is the identification of unidentified human remains using dental traits. However, the use of DNA technologies takes precedence over its dependability and legal acceptability. Furthermore, there is disagreement on bite-mark analysis's acceptability and usefulness as evidence. To prove a connection between the offender and the victim, salivary DNA may also be found in the bite marks. Recent developments in DNA technologies, such as the ability to use saliva and teeth as sources of DNA, provide significant benefits for using DNA as a person identifier, particularly in cases of severely burned, decomposed, or disfigured bodies, and for connecting the criminal to the crime. In light of this, we offer an overview of forensic genetics applications from the perspective of forensic odontology.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 901-903

Forensic Gene cs: Scope And It’s Applica on Forensic Genetics : Scope And It’s Applica on

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