Fingerprint Classification and Identification

  • Unique Paper ID: 168447
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 981-983
  • Abstract:
  • Perhaps the more frequently applied technologies based on bio is the detection of fingerprints. A er the finger heals, the fingerprint will resurface even if it transforms short resulting from cuts or bruises. Criminals became aware of the above and began using strategies ranging from cunning to extreme cruelty in an attempt to get around the recognition arrangements. By burning the skin of the finger p with fire, acid, or another hazardous reality, alternatively to undertaking surgical procedures (which involves removing skin from a finger and gratiing it back in different locations, such as rotation or "Z" cuts, or transplanting a region from other parts of the person's body, such as greater fingers, palms, toes, or soles), it is probable to eliminate, modify, or even create fake finger prints (made of adhesive, latex, or silicone). A novel technique for detecting changed fingerprints that uses biometric orientation field reliability is presented in this research. There are peaks in the unique point locations on the direction of domain accuracy map. Since more peaks appear as isolated dots with reduced frequencies as the consequence of modification, these fluctuations have been employed to examine altered fingerprints.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 981-983

Fingerprint Classification and Identification

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