A Study on Assessing the Perception of Girl Students of Horticulture Discipline towards Agricultural Education and Functioning of Krishi Vigyan Kendras

  • Unique Paper ID: 169015
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 2395-2400
  • Abstract:
  • ICAR-Taralabalu KVK aims to accelerate agricultural development in the Davanagere region by imparting training, demonstrations and extension activities from past two decades. The centre also serves as a hub for testing and adapting new technologies to meet the specific needs of the district local farmers. The KVK works closely with ICAR, State agricultural universities, local government bodies and other extension agencies to deliver relevant agricultural services and programs to farmers. As a part of placement training and industrial visit 26 girl students visited KVK to know the activities of KVK and also to study the technologies transferred by the KVK. The response of female horticulture students after visiting Taralabalu KVK, Davanagere was highly positive and insightful due to the practical exposure and hands-on experiences provided by the KVK. Questions was given in the form of questionnaire Google sheet to students at the end of their placement to obtain the feedback on their visit. All students accepted the truth that they had less than 25 per cent of practical knowledge in the field of Horticulture before the visit. The first impression of the students when they arrived in the campus was Very good (75 %) followed by Good (25%) and Fair (8.3%). More than 28 Demonstration units were visited by the students. But the response of the students in the Google form was that only 50 % of the students selected more than 15 units, followed by 41.7 % (10-15 units). The average rating regarding the infrastructure facilities available in the KVK gains 4.5 out of 5.0 point scale. Average footfall of the farmers for the advisory services to KVK was around 35-40 which more is when it was compare to department of Horticulture as observed by one of the respondents. They were often impressed by the exposure to modern technologies, such as polyhouse cultivation, integrated farming systems or post-harvest processing equipment’s.

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