Evaluation of an Enhanced Graded Precision Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Unique Paper ID: 170626
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 1390-1397
  • Abstract:
  • This paper introduces an enhanced version of the graded precision localization algorithm, GRADELOC, named IGRADELOC. The performance of GRADELOC is influenced by the regions created through the overlapping radio ranges of nodes within the underlying sensor network. Variations in these regional patterns can significantly impact the accuracy and nature of localization. IGRADELOC proposes two key improvements to address these limitations. First, adjustments to the radio range of fixed-grid nodes are introduced, considering the actual radio range of commonly available nodes. These adjustments facilitate routing through these nodes, a critical aspect overlooked by GRADELOC but essential for deploying any ad hoc network, particularly sensor networks. A theoretical model is presented, linking the radio range to the grid infrastructure's cell dimensions, enabling deployment plans that achieve the desired precision for coarse-grained localization. Second, it is noted that fine-grained localization in GRADELOC does not yield substantial performance gains compared to coarse-grained localization. To address this, IGRADELOC introduces a tunable parameter designed to enhance the precision of fine-grained localization, ensuring improved overall performance.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 1390-1397

Evaluation of an Enhanced Graded Precision Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

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