Mode Choice Behaviour Analysis Using MNL Regression: A Case Study in Uppal

  • Unique Paper ID: 171065
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 2157-2167
  • Abstract:
  • Trip behavior of commuters in metropolitan cities like Hyderabad is a critical issue, which is always a heterogenous part in planning, understanding of the mode of choice. Due to lack of indecorous unborn soothsaying plans in Hyderabad, the trip distribution and traffic are impacted. This present study is concentrated on mode choice of Hyderabad commuters choosing the public transport over private transport. The aim is to prognosticate mode choice model for work trips and institutional trips based on questionnaire data. Sample was collected through questionnaire by conducting face to face interview, with commuters and by advanced technics. The analysis is performed using the multinomial logit model (MNL), which is based on a utility function. The utility function contains exertion characteristics, trip characteristics including trip cost, trip time, the distance between activity place, and the individual characteristics to calculate the maximum utility of the mode choice. These parameters have to be substantially considered when evolving urban traffic models and trip plans. The advantage of using the multinominal logit models and utility function is the ability to identify the relationship among the trip behavior of an individual and the mode choice. With the results, it's possible to estimate the influence of the various variables on mode choice and identify the best mode based on the utility function. The data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The estimation of utility function coefficients was calculated through regression by SPSS software. Model variables were estimated using T- statistics at the confidence position of 95% and the variables which T- value are larger than critical t- value (1.96) was eliminated from model and null hypothesis was rejected. Feting these factors and their variations will help Hyderabad city planners in developing effective transportation policies to enhance urban mobility.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 2157-2167

Mode Choice Behaviour Analysis Using MNL Regression: A Case Study in Uppal

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