Forest Based Industries and Indian Economy

  • Unique Paper ID: 171373
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 250-254
  • Abstract:
  • India is one of the developing countries in the world. The industrialization of the country is crucial. The natural resources endowment of some countries has led to relatively high per capita incomes. India is one of these underutilized countries, which has abundant natural resources. From time immemorial, human activities have been so closely tied to forests and forest products. The forest industry has therefore been a source of many industries in the past. Paper, plywood, fiberboard, particleboard, and other goods are manufactured from wood and non-wood forest products right now. Indian industries are heavily dependent on forest resources. Industries that are based on wood or those that are not. Forest products are a significant part of regional, national, and local economies. Understanding their economic importance is therefore essential. By using the IMPLAN model, Ram Prasad Dahal determined the value of forest products as a sector of the economy in 13 southern states, individually and regionally. For three primary forest products industries (wood furniture, paper products, and wood and wood products), the direct impacts of the three sectors are estimated along with their associated multipliers. Impacts direct to the economy are illustrated by the direct impacts, while multipliers represent the indirect effects. As a source of employment and income, the forest products industry performed well in 2009. There are new wood-based products being developed with great potential and attractive markets, such as textiles, liquid biofuels, platform chemicals, plastics, and packaging.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 250-254

Forest Based Industries and Indian Economy

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Impact Factor
8.01 (Year 2024)

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