Cloud Computing's Fuzzy Search Over Encrypted Data

  • Unique Paper ID: 172037
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 316-319
  • Abstract:
  • Since all data is stored on the cloud, cloud computing is known to be centralised. Data may or may not be sensitive, but it is unacceptable to compromise privacy. Encrypting data is a prerequisite for outsourcing. Although encryption makes it difficult to use data, traditional software can still retrieve data even when encryption is in place. However, in order to obtain data, the exact keyword must match during the search in order to download the necessary file; otherwise, you will receive blank results. Even a small typo is unacceptable, and we regularly encounter errors of this kind. This results in low efficiency and negatively impacts system usability. Thus, by achieving them and maintaining data encryption against unauthorised users and cloud owners, we are able to formalise the issue and find solutions through a variety of methods. By matching the exact or closest match text to the stored keywords and retrieving the approximate closest results, fuzzy keyword search improves the system's usability. Here, we're quantifying keywords using edit distance and building the keyword set using sophisticated techniques that help cut down on overhead and storage. With the aid of file mapping based on usage, this also aids in search ranking, which places the most frequently viewed documents first, followed by others. In order to keep it safe even from cloud users, we are also putting one of the more sophisticated encryption algorithms into practice before uploading it over the cloud. The more sophisticated function outlined here involves using a selective encryption algorithm to work with images and videos in addition to documents.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 316-319

Cloud Computing's Fuzzy Search Over Encrypted Data

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