Smart Parking Systems A Review of Sensor-Based and Image Processing Approaches

  • Unique Paper ID: 172397
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 3009-3014
  • Abstract:
  • Now, parking systems are considered very important in campus areas since they provide a necessary service to users. Usually, managing these parking lots involves hiring outside help for some technology and services. The system initially used old methods where guards were at the entrance gate, writing down when vehicles came in and out. A better method added cameras to the system to take pictures of cars coming in and out while also helping with tickets. Even though both technologies are used a lot, there are some problems that need to be fixed. First, keeping records well requires several workers. Also, it is hard to find criminal activities when stolen cars look similar, like having the same color, because the data from the pictures is not clear. In order to solve this problem well, a modern parking system was developed with advanced image processing methods to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle identification. The high-tech computer vision system makes use of the top algorithms like OCR and SURF for reading the license plates of various vehicles correctly. With the integration of these complex algorithms, the system captures and stores both the unique identifying characteristics of every vehicle and its corresponding number plate without any modifications or omissions.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 3009-3014

Smart Parking Systems A Review of Sensor-Based and Image Processing Approaches

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