Enhancing Weld Bead Characteristics in Shielded Metal Arc Welding Through the Application of External Magnetic Field

  • Unique Paper ID: 172438
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 383-390
  • Abstract:
  • One method that is frequently used for joining metal parts is welding. The arc conducts current during welding operations. The magnetic field created in a work piece next to the welding torch may have an impact on it. Lack of fusion, porosity, and unevenly welded seams can be caused by arc instability, which can be brought on by magnetic disturbances around the welding arc. Simultaneously, there is a lot of spattering, which clearly leads to good quality and economy if avoided. Weldability and related qualities are greatly improved if the arc can be contained in the lowest feasible area. In order to improve arc stability and better weld beads, an attachment has been developed for this research to be able to weld in an external magnetic field. We also performed welding operations on mild steel plates both in and out of the presence of the external magnetic field. The two work parts are then subjected to a Rockwell Hardness Test. It has been noted that the work piece welded in an external magnetic field has an improved hardness number. This led us to the conclusion that using an external magnetic field in the Shielded Metal Arc Welding had benefits.

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