A Study To Assess The Level Of Knowledge Regarding Depression Among Elderly People Living In Selected Old Age Home In Lucknow In A View To Develop An Awareness Programme

  • Unique Paper ID: 172710
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 588-596
  • Abstract:
  • Statement- A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding depression among elderly people living in selected old age home in Lucknow in a view to develop an awareness programme. Introduction Depression is a widespread mental health problem affecting many people. The other name of depression is Avsad. The lifetime risk of depression in males is 8-12% and in females 20-26%. Highest incidence of depressive symptoms has been indicated in individuals not having close interpersonal relationship and in persons who are divorced or separated. Geriatric depression is a mental and emotional disorder affecting older adults. Due to their older age and potential lower quality of life due to illness, familial deaths, or decreased ability to function independently, older adults are a unique population. Life changes such as death of a spouse, retirement, and persona medical issues can contribute to an older adult experiencing depression. Objectives 1. To assess the knowledge regarding depression among elderly people living in selected old age home. 2. To find out association between level of knowledge regarding depression among elderly people with selected demographic variables. Research methodology- This study was conducted by using quantitative research approach at Aastha Old Age home and Geriatric hospital, Lucknow. In the present study, comparative descriptive research design was be used to achieve the objectives of the study. The total sample size was 42 as calculated statistically. Before conducting the study, informed consent was obtained from the sample. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used. Data collection was done by using self-structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge regarding depression among elderly people. Result- The data obtained are tabulated and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The statistical analysis of 42 samples shows that 0 (0%) sample had above adequate knowledge, 19 (45.23%) sample had moderate knowledge, 23 (55%) sample had inadequate knowledge.

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