Nuances on Collection of Ballistic Evidence specified with its various methods of examination of Ballistic Weapons - as a Glance

  • Unique Paper ID: 172727
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 710-712
  • Abstract:
  • Criminals with guns frequently use firearms to perform numerous major crimes that end in fatalities or dangerous injuries. However, recent reports of terrorists and other criminal elements using sophisticated weapons that were clandestinely smuggled across our country's international borders and used indiscriminately raise serious concerns for the law-and-order apparatus. Due to the employment of firearms by terrorists, naxals, interstate criminals, serial killers and history sheeters and habitual offenders, throughout the nation, crimes involving firearms are on the rise. Criminals frequently use the same weapon to conduct several crimes over an extended period of time in various jurisdictions. A forensic science lab is a technical organization with a dedicated focus on advancing criminal justice. By addressing or helping to address the crucial questions of whether a crime has been committed, how and when it was committed, who committed it, and just as essential could not have committed it, it provides this help.

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