An analysis of the development of Eco tourism based on the tourist and Geographical components using AHP - A case study of the Nilgiris District.

  • Unique Paper ID: 172729
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 664-672
  • Abstract:
  • Eco tourism is a type of nature friendly tourism. Eco tourism plays an important role in the conservation of bio diversity and nature areas. They are many parameters which contribute to the growth of eco-tourism. In this study the tourists and geographical components promoting tourism in the Nilgiris district are identified and factor weights for each parameter using AHP are calculated. And the role of each parameter in the development of eco-tourism in the Nilgiris district is analyzed. The AHP is a partially quantitative technique which helps in making decisions by assigning weights to the parameters used, by computing the pair wise comparison matrix. In this study the CR value is 0.05 hence the factor weights derived using AHP is accepted for eco-tourism development.

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