Phytopharmaceutical Innovations: Ensuring Standardized and Effective Herbal Lozenges for cold and cough relief by using Shankapushpi flower extract

  • Unique Paper ID: 172866
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 1146-1155
  • Abstract:
  • Lozenges are palatable solid dosage forms that are used orally. Because of its natural composition, therapeutic benefits, and customer desire for plant-based therapies, herbal lozenges have drawn a lot of interest from the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. These are herbaceous medicated dosage forms that include one or more medications and are intended to be swallowed and held in the mouth or pharynx. Several plant-based substances can be used to make herbal lozenges, depending on the intended purpose and desired outcome. However, differences in raw material quality, formulation methods, and regulatory compliance make it difficult to guarantee their efficacy, safety, and consistency. Medicated lozenges have the advantage of avoiding first-pass metabolism, reducing gastrointestinal discomfort, and increasing the dosage form's elution time in the oral cavity, all of which boost bioavailability. Minimizes first-pass metabolism and lessens stomach discomfort. Children are more likely than adults to approve lozenges as a dose form. There are three different kinds of lozenges on the market: compressed, firm, and soft. Their preparation techniques and ingredients are taken into consideration. The findings emphasize the need for a harmonized approach to quality control, ensuring safety and efficacy while meeting consumer demands for natural and sustainable healthcare solutions. This study investigates improvements in phytopharmaceuticals that improve the bioefficacy, quality control, and standardization of herbal lozenges.

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