The Role of Homoeopathic Repertories in the Process of Individualization and Similimum Selection: A Comprehensive Analytical Approach

  • Unique Paper ID: 173004
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 1486-1488
  • Abstract:
  • Repertories play a crucial role in the practice of Homoeopathy, acting as a bridge between clinical observations and materia medica to aid in the selection of the similimum. Individualization, the cornerstone of Homoeopathy, relies on meticulous symptom analysis and rubric selection from repertories. This article explores the historical evolution, classification, structure, and application of Homoeopathic repertories in clinical practice. Furthermore, it highlights the role of repertorization in selecting the most appropriate remedy based on totality of symptoms, miasmatic tendencies, and patient constitution. Various repertories, their unique features, and their scientific utility in modern-day Homoeopathic practice are also discussed.

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