Silenced Voices - Gendercide in the Guise of Honour: A Comparative Study of Elif Shafak’s “Honour” and Perumal Murugan’s “Pyre”

  • Unique Paper ID: 173173
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 2153-2158
  • Abstract:
  • The oppression of women based on gender in a male dominated society dates back to the dawn of early civilization. Every day countless women are tormented and their plight, ill-treatment, exploitation and murder continue globally. Even in the century, despite productive strategies initiated by International Women’s Right Movements over the years, women are still victimized, slaved, bullied, assaulted and burnt by perverted narcissists and by their own family members. The Delhi Nirbhaya brutal rape that shook the entire nation, drawing wide spread protest and anguish worldwide has tarnished the country’s image globally. Even before the nation could shed the shock of the gruesome event, another tormenting episode of barbaric cruelty on women has taken place in Kolkata and the fire of anger over the assault is consuming the entire nation. Many incidents, in many forms, in many places and in many hues take us toward the single question; is the dignity of women is safe and safeguarded? Women are objectified, subjected to physical violence and burnt alive to honor the family pride, the list goes on. Since literature is a genuine reflection of life, it continuous to inform and educate the society about what shouldn't be happening, what is happening and what should ideally happen. The two great advocates of women's rights Elif Shafak and Perumal Murugan have always voiced their concerns over the treatment meted out to women in society. This paper is an effort to bring out the horrendous forms of gender violence in the name of honor through the prism of Elif Shafak 's Honor and Perumal Murugan's Pyre.

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