Fragility Analysis of High-Tension Line Towers Under Wind Loads Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

  • Unique Paper ID: 173325
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 45-50
  • Abstract:
  • The structural stability of high-tension line towers is essential for maintaining reliable power transmission, particularly in the face of environmental forces like wind. Failures caused by wind forces in these towers can lead to extensive service outages and significant economic losses, highlighting the need to evaluate their performance under various conditions. This study explores the structural behavior of high-tension line towers exposed to wind loads, with a focus on the effects of different soil types (hard, medium, and soft). By integrating soil-structure interaction, the research seeks to provide a detailed understanding of how these towers respond to wind-induced forces. The study employs advanced numerical modeling in STAAD Pro to analyze key structural parameters, including base shear, overturning moment, and maximum displacement, under varying wind speeds and soil conditions. The analysis reveals notable differences in structural responses based on soil stiffness. Soft soils show increased base shear and overturning moments due to their lower resistance to lateral and rotational forces, while hard soils exhibit greater stability but slightly higher top-level displacements under similar conditions. Additionally, the findings indicate that in high wind zones, wind load intensity becomes the primary influencing factor, diminishing the relative impact of soil properties on the overall structural response. The research emphasizes the importance of considering site-specific soil characteristics and wind conditions in the design of high-tension line towers. It highlights the need for customized foundation designs in softer soils to address increased vulnerability, as well as the implementation of wind-resistant design strategies in regions with high wind speeds. These insights offer a valuable framework for improving the resilience, reliability, and safety of high-tension line towers, particularly in areas susceptible to extreme wind events.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 45-50

Fragility Analysis of High-Tension Line Towers Under Wind Loads Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

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